Pre-Professional Students

A minimum overall GPA of 3.5 is required to be evaluated by the MEC and a science GPA of 3.7 or higher is recommended. In past years the average GPA of students accepted into LSU Medical School was 3.8.

2024 Covid-19 Policy

In order to comply with the ongoing Covid-19 social distancing recommendations, the MEC will adhere to the modified evaluation process.

This includes:

  • No paper applications.
    Please submit all documents and forms via email.

  • No face-to-face interviews.
    We will schedule Google Meet sessions for individual and committee interviews.

Please watch this space for additional updates. Stay healthy, stay safe, stay home!

Applying for Medical or Pre-professional Schools

  • Make a folder to keep all your papers in order and in good condition.
  • Type your information
  • Make copies of all application materials before mailing them in case it is needed 
  • Notify those who are writing references for you at least one month ahead of time
  • Most Medical Schools want a recommendation letter from an institutional committee
  • If your overall GPA is 3.5 or higher and you want to be evaluated by Southeastern’s Medical School Evaluation Committee (MEC) click on the big link to the “Application Materials” below. If your GPA is below this threshold make an appointment with the Pre-Medical Advisor to find out what you can do.
  • Be aware of deadlines especially the online “Notice of Intent” 

For any questions or concerns, feel free to ask the Delta Omega Alpha officers or the Pre-Medical Advisor

View Application Materials

Important 2024 Deadlines

1st week in May

Submit ” Notice of Intent” online.

Wait for the “Welcome Email” which contains detailed instructions. In the meantime, work on your application packet.

The week after finals week in May Deadline: Friday, May 17, 12:00noon

Submit your complete application packet to the pre-medical advisor via email.

Late May

Application packets are distributed to MEC committee members for review.

Early June

Individual one-on-one interviews.

Mid June

Interview with the full MEC committee.

Late July

Committee letters are written and ready for review by applicants.

August 1st

Letters are submitted to Medical or Dental Schools.

Resources for Pre-professional Students

AAMC (medical)

MCAT Topics

ADEA (dental)

Scholarships For Pre-Professional Students

William F. Sherman Memorial Scholarship (for seniors with financial need)

Nancy Kathryn O’Neil Memorial Scholarship (for students from the Northshore)

Brandon Buras Memorial Scholarship (for Southeastern seniors applying to medical school)

Major Kenneth E. Dyson Award (for Southeastern seniors or graduates accepted into medical or dental school)

Other Useful Links