UL LIFE this program was the first post-secondary education program for students with disabilities
on a 4- year campus. In this video you will meet the director of the UL LIFE program
and some of the students and mentors who share their experiences with the program.
Bridge to Independence
Want to Know More About Bridge to Independence? Meet 4 of the students to hear how Bridge to Independence has impacted their lives.
This video also includes the mom of a student who shares how Bridge to Independence
has helped her son grow immensely.
Rethinking College
Rethinking College is a 25-minute film produced by Think College that explores the
growing movement to include students with intellectual disability in higher education.
Printable Resources
- LA-PIE Recruitment
- PSE at BPCC Information Sheet
- Teachers Can Think College
- Students Can Think College
- Parents Can Think College
- School Administrators Can Think College
- Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors Can Think College
- Suggestions for Parents
- 20 Powerful Strategies to Prepare for College
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act for College Students
- Transitioning to College: Tips for Parents
Paying for College
Federal Financial Aid
Students who are enrolled in a Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP) are eligible
for federal financial aid. for more information Click Here.