Student Organizations

Consider joining one or more of these student organizations!

Kappa Delta Pi  (KDP)

The Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society subscribes to the four ideals of Fidelity
to Humanity, Service, Science, and Toil. We endeavor to maintain professional fellowship,
enhance professional growth, and honor achievement in the field of education and related
helping professions.

Student Council for Exceptional Children  (SCEC)

SCEC is a non-profit organization that serves individuals with special needs as well
as their families. SCEC sponsors activities such as a Fall dinner and dance for the
OPTIONS clients and local group homes and works alongside other local organizations
to serve and aid individuals with exceptionalities and their families in the community.

Student-led Louisiana Early Childhood Association (SLAECA)

Our purpose is to increase awareness of the needs and to work for knowledge and understanding
of young children in Louisiana both at school and at home and to provide opportunities
for collaboration between those who are concerned about the needs of young children
and families.

Contact Us

For more information contact the  Department of Teaching and Learning or your advisor.