Southeastern to Remain Remote on Thursday, January 23

CAEP Annual Reporting Measures

CAEP is an organization with the mission of equity and excellence in educator preparation through providing evidence-based accreditation. The emphasis is on continuous improvement of educator preparation programs based on a decision making process that uses data and input from internal and external stakeholders. To that end, the College of Education at Southeastern Louisiana University collects and makes public certain data annually.

Southeastern Louisiana University’s general profile, including information about College of Education (COE) majors, can be found on the webpages of the Office of Institutional Research

Information about Southeastern Louisiana University’s COE accreditation status can be found on the COE: CAEP 2022 page.

 Glossary of Terms:

Teacher Candidate: A Southeastern student who is taking coursework to be eligible for teacher certification by the Louisiana State Department of Education.

Completer: A person who has finished a Southeastern teacher certification program and has been teaching in their earned certification area or a closely related certification area for some period following completion of the program.

Stake Holder: Someone or some organization who has a vested interest in the outcome of Southeastern’s educator preparation program. An internal stakeholder is someone who is directly associated with Southeastern, such as a Southeastern college student or faculty member. An external stakeholder is someone who is affected by the program. Examples of external stakeholders would be schools and districts who employ alumni of the preparation program and children who are taught by teachers who graduated from Southeastern’s educator preparation program.

Annual Reporting Measures

Measure 1: Completer Impact and Effectiveness

Completer impact and effectiveness is primarily measured by PreK-12 student achievement. In the state of Louisiana, this data is collected primarily from value added data, standardized testing, and teacher evaluations.

Louisiana Board of Regents data lags. When the data for 2023 become available it will be linked here.

Due to Covid-19 there was a data disruption so that student achievement data was not collected.

Measure 2: Employer Satisfaction and Stakeholder Involvement

The data for this measure are in development. During the 2022-2023 academic year, the
advanced program developed an Employer Survey.

  • The Employer Survey is designed to identify the needs for respective site-based cohorts,
    as well as measure the needs of the districts (employment needs, shortage areas,
    openings, forecasts, etc.), and the impact of graduates on PK-12 education. The goal is
    to understand partner school district superintendents/designees regarding the
    employment landscape of available openings in educational administration and other
    career ladder positions, the district needs for future leaders, and the candidates’ needs.

These surveys are scheduled for pilot testing during the 2023-2024 academic year.

Measure 3: Candidate Competency at the Time of Program Completion

Measure 4: Ability of Completers to be Hired in Positions for Which They were Prepared

Spring: 11 teacher interns enrolled
Fall: 14 teacher interns enrolled

Spring: 21 teacher interns enrolled

Fall: 21 teacher interns enrolled

Spring: 8 teacher interns enrolled

Fall: 9 teacher interns enrolled

Spring: 9 teacher interns enrolled

Fall: 7 teacher intern enrolled

Spring: 8 teacher interns enrolled

Fall: 7 teacher interns enrolled

Spring: 10 teacher interns enrolled

Fall: 13 teacher interns enrolled

Spring: 5 teacher interns enrolled

Fall: 5 teacher interns enrolled

Spring: 5 teacher interns enrolled

Fall: 7 teacher candidates enrolled