Life Events


This page lists many of the most common events that happen in an employee’s life that
may impact their benefits coverage.

Address Change

If you need to change your address information, please fill out the Personal Information Update Form and mail or bring it to the Benefits Section of the Human Resources Office (SLU Box
10799). You will also need to fill out another form for your insurance provider, which
can be obtained from the Benefits Section of the Human Resources Office.

You Become Disabled

What Your Dependents Need to Know in Case of Your Death

If you are the dependent of an employee who is deceased you need to bring a certified
Death Certificate to the Human Resources Office. When you come to the office you will
need to determine if you wish to continue coverage under the employee’s insurance
plan, if eligible.

For more information, call (985)549-5451.

You Get Married

The following information may be useful to those who have recently married:

  • To add spouse to insurance coverage, come into the Benefits Section of the Human Resources
    Office and Fill out an Enrollment Form, preferably within 30 days of marriage.

  • Fill out a Personal Information Update Form and bring it to the Benefits Section of the Human Resources office

  • New dependents must be enrolled within 30 days of their birth or adoption, or a pre-existing
    clause will be applied to their status. A pre-existing clause means that any condition
    the dependendent has been treated for within the past year, will not be covered by
    the insurance provider for the first year of coverage.

  • To change your Beneficiary Information, come to the Benefits Section of the Human
    Resources Office to fill out the proper forms.

  • To change tax forms W4/L4, go to the Payroll Office to file a new W4 (Federal Tax
    Withholding) form or L4 (State Tax Withholding Form).

  • To change your name, bring your new Social Security Card (with your new name) to the
    Employment Section of the Human Resources Office.

You Legally Separate or Get Divorced

If you have recently had a divorce or legal separation, you must bring the legal documentation
that proves your new status to the Benefits Section to the Human Resources Office
to drop your ex-spouse from Health Insurance Coverage. In the case of divorce you
will need to fill out a Personal Information Update Form

You Have a Birth, Adoption, or Transfer of Legal Guardianship to Your Family

New dependents must be enrolled within 30 days of their birth or adoption, or a pre-existing
clause will be applied to their status. A pre-existing clause means that any condition
the dependendent has been treated for within the past year, will not be covered by
the insurance provider for the first year of coverage.

The following information may be useful to those who have recently had a birth, adoption,
or transfer of Legal Guardianship to their family:

  • To add a new dependent to insurance coverage, come into the Benefits Section of the
    Human Resources Office and Fill out an Enrollment Form.

  • To change your Beneficiary Information, come to the Benefits Section of the Human
    Resources Office to fill out the proper forms.

  • To change tax forms W4/L4, go to the Payroll Office to file a new W4 (Federal Tax
    Withholding) form or L4 (State Tax Withholding Form).

You Need to Drop a Dependent

If you need to drop a dependent from your coverage, come to the Benefits Section of
the Human Resources Office to fill out the necessary forms. 

You Want an Employee Fee Waiver

You Want a Dependent Fee Waiver

You Want to Apply for Transfer to/from Another State Agency

If you wish to transfer from Southeastern to another State Agency you must contact
the desired State Agency in order to find out their procedures for transfer.

If you wish to transfer from another State Agency to Southeastern, then you should
check available job opening on our Job Vacancy Web site and apply to the University like a new hire.

You Are a New Hire

If you are a new hire, you need to bring the following items to the Employment Section
of the Human Resources Office on your first day:

  • Birth Certificate

  • Social Security Card

  • Driver’s License

  • Visa and Passport (if applicable)

  • Direct Deposit Information:

    • For a Checking Account you need to bring a copy of a check

    • For a Savings Account you need to bring a copy of Deposit Ticket

  • Beneficiary Information:

    • Date of each Beneficiaries Birthday

    • Each Beneficiaries Social Security Number

  • Some positions will require an original copy of all transcripts

For more information, call the Employment Section of the Human Resources Office at

You Transfer Jobs

If you are transferring jobs within Southeastern, the Employment Section of the Human
Resources Office will handle the necessary paperwork.

If you are transferring from another state agency, you will have to be processed like
a new hire. Look above, under New Hires, to see the necessary items you will need
to bring with you on your first day of work.

For more information, call the Employment Section at (985)549-2056.

Your Employment Status Changes to Full-Time or Part-Time

If your employment status changes, your benefits eligibility will most likely change
as well. For information on how your benefits will be affected call the Benefits Section
of the Human Resources Office at (985)549-2587.

You Want to Apply for a Leave of Absence

Your Employment Ends

Employees desiring to voluntarily terminate their employment are urged to notify the
University at least two weeks in advance of their intended termination date. Such
notice should preferably be given in writing to the immediate supervisor and the department
head. The notice should be addressed to the President and forwarded to the Human Resources
Office for processing. Proper notice allows the University time to prepare your final
payroll documents and to calculate any terminal leave for which you may be entitled.
Without proper notice, you may have to wait an additional pay period to receive your
last paycheck.

Employees who are planning to retire should notify the Human Resources Office three
months in advance. This will allow ample time to file the application for retirement
and other supporting documentation. Employees eligible for social security should
contact their local Social Security Office at least three months in advance of their
expected retirement date to allow for the processing of related Social Security documents.

All temporary appointments (restricted, intermittent, job appointments, probational
and provisional appointments) are on an “at will” basis and may be terminated at any
time with no reason given.

Permanent classified employees may be terminated for cause or in an approved lay off
in accordance with Civil Service Rules. Although it is hoped the relationships with
employees are long-term and mutually rewarding, the University reserves the right
to terminate employment relationship in accordance with applicable Civil Service Rules.
If an employee who is required to drive as part of the essential duties of the position
has his/her license revoked or suspended, the employee may be subject to non-disciplinary
removal because the employee is no longer able to carry out the duties of the position.

Exit interviews with the Human Resources Office are normally scheduled for outgoing
employees after supervisors receive notices of resignation or intent to retire and
for employees whose termination is being initiated by Southeastern. This is usually
done on the last day of work. The purpose of this interview is to review eligibility
for continuation of benefits and conversion, to ensure that all necessary forms are
completed, to collect all University property (credit cards, I.D.s, keys, uniforms,
etc.), and to provide employees with an opportunity to discuss their job-related experiences.

You Retire

To apply for retirement click on the Retirement System that applies to you:

You Have a Temporary Faculty or Staff Appointment

You Complete a New Degree or Certification

Counseling Services for Employees and Their Families

Southeastern recognizes that a wide range of problems – such as marital or family
distress, alcoholism, and drug abuse not associated with an individual job function
can nonetheless be detrimental to an employee’s performance on the job. Consequently
we believe it is in the interest of the employees and the University to provide assistance
to employees and their families in resolving these as the need arises. To this end,
our employee assistance program provides consultation services through the University
Counseling Center for evaluation and referral to local community treatment providers.
Services offered by the University Counseling Center are at no cost to the employee.
Employees are solely responsible for services or treatment programs offered by off-
campus medical providers as a result of a referral. All employees are encouraged to
use this program. Employee visits to the EAP are held in confidence to the maximum
possible extent.

Participation in our EAP does not excuse employees from complying with normal University
policies or from meeting normal job requirements during or after receiving assistance.
Nor will participation in a EAP prevent Southeastern from taking disciplinary action
against any employee for performance problems that occur before or after the employee’s
seeking assistance through the EAP.

Click here to visit the Counseling Center Home Page

You Need Your W-2

If you need another copy of your W-2 form, please contact the Payroll Office at (985)549-2188

You Need to Change Where Your Paycheck is Deposited

If you have a different checking or savings account and wish to change where your
paycheck is deposited:

  • Fill out a new Direct Deposit Authorization Form in the Employment Section of the Human Resources Office, or on the web and bring
    it to the Payroll Office.

  • Bring proof of your account with you:

    • a copy of your check for a Checking Account

    • a direct deposit form from your bank or financial institution