Academic Courses

Courses Offered by the Department of Educational Leadership & Technology


Academic Courses Offered

The Department of Educational Leadership and Technology offers a variety of graduate
and undergraduate courses in Educational Foundations (EDF)Educational Leadership (EDL), and Educational Technology (ETEC). Please see the course descriptions listed below for links to the generic syllabi
for each course

Note the following fees:

  1. All internet courses have a $12.00 per hour fee.

  2. All students will have a fee for access to an electronic portfolio system.


The following list identifies courses that are either regularly offered (designated
with an *) or are available as program electives based on cohort selection. Additional
courses are listed in the University General Catalog.


Educational Foundations (EDF)


Course Number

Course Description

EDF 600*

Educational Research

EDF 701*

Educational Statistics

EDL 800*

Introduction to Research Design

EDF 801*

Writing for Research

EDF 802*

Quantitative Methods

EDF 803*

Qualitative Methods

EDF 999*

Doctoral Dissertation











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Educational Leadership (EDL)


Course Number

Course Description

EDL 610*

Research Methods for Educational Leaders

EDL 612*

Seminar I: Fostering Vision and Leadership in Educational Environments

EDL 625*

Organizational Management

EDL 635*

Supervision of Instruction in the Elementary and Secondary School

EDL 642*

School Personnel Administration

EDL 702*

School-Community Relations

EDL 721*

School Law

EDL 722*

Curriculum Improvement

EDL 725*

Internship in Educational Leadership

EDL 810*

Leadership Theory and Practice

EDL 811*

Educational Management

EDL 812

Supervision in Educational Settings

EDL 820*

Ethics and Law

EDL 821*

Politics and Community Relations

EDL 822

Policy Development and Analysis

EDL 823*

Fiduciary Management of Ed. Organizations

EDL 830

Foundations of Curricular Theory and Design

EDL 831

Critical Analysis of Current Research on Eff. Ed. Practice

EDL 832

Educational Evaluation

EDL 834

College Teaching

EDL 840*

Change Theory

EDL 841

Org. Development for Learning Communities

EDL 842

Culture, Climate & Change Leadership

EDL 851

Administration and Management in Higher Education

EDL 852

Student Affairs in Higher Education

EDL 853

Governance and Legal Aspects of Higher Education

EDL 857

Academic Affairs in Higher Education

EDL 858

Community College Administration

EDL 861

History and Philosophy of Higher Education

EDL 862

Planning and Evaluation in Higher Education

EDL 871

Special Topics


Special Topics

EDL 880*

Research Practicum

EDL 897











































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Educational Technology ( ETEC)


Course Number

Course Description

ETEC 615*

Technology Studies for Educational Leaders

ETEC 620 (EDUC 676)

Infusion of Technology in the Content Area

ETEC 810

Educational Technology Theory and Design

ETEC 811

Overview of Current Ed. Technology Practice

ETEC 812

Leadership in Integration of Emerging Technologies

ETEC 895

Evaluation of Instructional Technology Research










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