International Support Services

On behalf of the Southeastern Louisiana University and the Multicultural and International Affairs staff, welcome to the Lion Family! You are embarking on an exciting new journey and a truly rewarding educational experience. Southeastern values the holistic development of students, and our office is fully committed to providing opportunities to assist you in learning through your academic pursuits – as well as from your contacts outside of the classroom.

Through organizational involvement, program participation, and sharing your cultural heritage with others, you will make a significant contribution to our University. Thus, we invite you to take advantage of the many opportunities we offer to learn about new cultures and to share your culture with others by viewing the list of international student organizations here at Southeastern.

For questions, please contact [email protected]

Campus Activities

Student Organizations


The International Student Union is an organization dedicated to promoting fellowship between fellow international students and American students to aid in student development and an increased knowledge of resources.

  • For more information, please email the International Student Union at [email protected]


The International Student Union is an organization dedicated to enhancing the appreciation of diversity and cross-cultural awareness, leadership, ethics and cohesiveness of all members as well as to build a better understanding between Latin American students and the local community. 

  • For more information, please email the Faculty Advisor Dr. Aristides Baraya at [email protected].


The Nepalese Student Association is a special interest organization, focused in supporting Nepalese students at Southeastern, while at the same time sharing Nepalese culture and customs with the campus community. 

  • For more information, please email the Faculty Advisor George Gibson at [email protected]

New Student Orientation

International Student Orientation is a program that gives new international students the opportunity to become comfortable at Southeastern providing information regarding services, policies, advising requirements, immigration counseling, and registration procedures.

Cultural/Holiday Celebrations

Each semester, MISA sponsors, or co-sponsors, with other student organizations or departments to provide several events that help our international students celebrate important holidays and share their cultures with the Southeastern community. 

Campus Services

Graphing Calculator Loan

The Office of Multicultural & International Student Affairs loans graphing calculators for international students to use. Calculators are checked out on a first-come, first-served basis for one semester at a time. Other graphic calculator loan resources on campus are the Mane Media in the Student Technology Center (Fayard Hall 127) and Sims Memorial Library.

Laundry Services

The Office of Multicultural & International Student Affairs has partnered with University Housing to provide laundry access to international students. Please email MISA at [email protected] for any questions or concerns. 

Need Help Writing or Editing a Paper?

The Southeastern Writing Center, located in McGehee Hall Room 102, provides consultations and resources for students needing assistance with writing papers. Students can get information on proper MLA format, help with grammar, and more, from trained individuals.

Need Free Food Resources? Please see these options!

Meal Plan Information

It can be a little confusing trying to decide on a meal plan. You want to make sure you choose a plan that will fit your needs and not leave you running out of food before the semester is up. The Dining Services website has resources to help you determine which plan is right for you.

Local Services

Need transportation locally? Here are some options!

Need to Apply for Housing?

Southeastern University Housing provides a quality environment for residents to enhance their educational, social, and personal growth at a reasonable cost while providing friendly and efficient service. Submit your housing application as soon as possible on University Housing’s portal  HERE, or call University Housing at (985) 549-2118. 

Need to Stay Off Campus?

If you are unable to stay on campus, or just prefer to live off-campus, you can do an internet search for “Apartments in Hammond, Louisiana” to get a list of those in the area.  *Ask to speak to the landlord or property managers during your apartment search.  Here are some suggestions of some topics to ask about: Utilities and appliances, required deposits, and general rules of the property. Thoroughly read the terms and conditions of your lease.*

Visit the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center for more information before signing any paperwork.

Need to Live in a Hotel/Motel Temporarily?

Please note that hotels will likely cost between $85 – $125 or more per night. The closest hotels are about 1 – 2 miles from campus; however, the  Hammond City Bus has stops near many of them.

Additional Information

Other International Services & Education Opportunities