Ponchatoula High School

Photo Collection


Pix #

Date of PixSize of PixNo. of PixKind of ImageNegative

1 1913 3 x 5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)

Ponchatoula High School taken from a 1913 postcard by R. J. Mills Studio in Hammond. W. E. Butler was original owner. Dr. Joy Jackson copied on April 22, 1982.

2 Feb 1, 1923 3 x 5 12 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (12)

Twelve prints of one large photograph of Ponchatoula High School with a large group of children posed in front of it. Original photograph was 8½" x 33" and the photographer was William Cannon & Son, 913 Superior St., Toledo, Ohio. Original owner of photograph was A. J. Bodker. Dr. Joy Jackson copied photograph on April 22, 1982.