Academic Advising

Getting Advised for Courses

During your first year at Southeastern all Industrial and Engineering Technology majors are advised by the Office of First-Year Success. Your SE 101 instructor is your advisor for your first two semesters. Every semester after that the Department of Industrial and Engineering Technology is responsible for advising.

All students must be advised each semester to have the registration hold removed. If a student does not yet have an assigned advisor they can come to the Industrial and Engineering Technology office or call 985-549-2189 to be assigned a faculty advisor in their concentration or area of interest. Appointments can be scheduled with the advisor in person or the student can use the on-line advising system (watch the video and see the fillable advising forms below).

Who is my Advisor?

  • You should have received an email from your advisor.

  • Check who your advisor is?
  • Still not sure? Contact the main office: 985-549-2189


Online Advising System

The fillable forms below offer more details and guidance and is the preferred method of advising in IET.

Fillable Advising Forms

How to use these fillable forms?

Transfer Courses

If you have questions about transfer courses and if they will count in your degree completion sheet, you must speak with a Program Coordinator or the Department Head. You must provide the course description (and syllabus if possible) so that we can best determine if the course will count in our curricula.

Contact information for the Program Coordinators and Department can be found here.

Course Substitutions

Course Substitutions will only be considered prior the semester in which the course is to be taken. Approval must be granted from the Department Head and also the Dean’s Office before the course is taken. Transfer course substitutions must be requested during the student’s first semester at Southeastern.