Paul G. Willis

Archival Collection


Box 1


1. Meet the Press, Sun., February 13, 1955

2, Indianapolis, Indiana J-J Dinner Speech by Mr. Butler

3. Lexington, Va. (W&L University) Feb. 23, 1955-speech

4. Women’s National Democratic club, Washington

5. Boise, Idaho JJ Dinner, 2.26.1955

6. Tallahassee, Florida Kiwanis Club 2.1.1955

7. Feb.-March 1955 Schedule Appearances

8. Pittsfield, Mass, 2.3.1955 Speech by Mr. Butler

9. Richmond, Va. JJ Dinner 2.4.1955

10. Nationalities Division dinner, New York, 2.8.1955

11. New York Democratic Club, NYC, 2.9.1955

12. Detroit, Mich. ( Wayne County JJ Dinner ) 2.12.1955

13. Detroit, Michigan March 12

14. Billings, Montana Sunday March 13, 1955

15. Montana March 13th

16. Great Falls, Montana 2.14.1955

17. Salt Lake City, Utah 2.16.1955

18. Portland, Oregon, 2.17.1955

19. Fresno, CA , March 19, 1955

20. San Francisco, California 2.21.1955

21. Sacramento, CA 2.21.1955

22. Los Angeles, CA 2.22.1955 Town Hall Meeting

Box 2


1. Tucson, Ariz., Wed., M’ch 23, 2005

2. Phoenix, Ariz., Thurs., M’ch 24, 1955

3. Sioux Falls, S.D., M’ch 26, 1955

4. Mitchell, S.D., Sat., M’ch 26, 1955

5. PGW Activities- Miscellaneous

6. Liaison Activities

7. Interview-Miscellaneous

8. Congress Liaison

9. Research for the Chairman

10. Statements, Etc., drafted for the Chairman

11. Job Application

12. DNC Memos and Internal Procedures Personnel, etc..

13. International Education Exchange

14. Congressional Campaign Appraisal Meeting

15. Information Received

16. Requests for Speaker

17. Ideas and Suggestions

Box 3


1. National Capitol Dem.

2. Democratic National Committee Rules

3. Elections 1978

4. Election Rules 1976

5. 1974 Election

6. 1974 Election Results

7. Election 1973

8. Election Post-Mortems 1972

9. Election Schedule 1972

10. Election Results of 1972

11. Election Results of 1970

12. Election Results of 1972

13. Election 1970

Box 4


1. Election of 1968

2. Election Results of 1968

3. Election of 1966

4. Election Result of 1966

5. 1966 Election Result Congressional

6. Election Results of 1966 State

7. Election Congressional 1966

8. Election Results of 1964- Pres.

9. Election Results of 1964 Congressional

10. Election Results of 1964- State offices

11. Election Results of 1980

12. Montana

Box 5


1. Politics-General

2. George Wallace (1967-1968)

3. General Politics

4. Politics Third Party

5. 1964 Campaign August- September General

6. Politics 1964 General

7. 1964 Campaign Oct.-Nov. General

8. 1964 Election Analysis

Box 6


1. 1965 Politics General

2. 1966 Politics General

3. Politics 1967 General

4. Politics General 1968

5. Politics Republican 1969

6. Politics General 1969

7. Politics General 1970

Box 7


1. Repbublican Politics

2. Politics General

3. Presidential Maneuvering Republicans

4. Republicans Politics

5. Politics General

6. Dem. Campaign Oct. 1972

7. Dem. Campaign Nov. 1972

8. Dem. Nat’l Convention 1972

9. Dem. Nat’l Convention 1972

10. Dem. Nat’l Convention 1972

11. Dem. Nat’l Convention 1972

12. Comm. On Perm. Org. 1972 Republican Nat’l

Box 8


1. Democrats Post Convention, 1972

2. Rules Committee 1972 Republican Nat’l Convention

3. Credentials Committee 1972 Rep. Nat’l Convention

4. 1972 Repub. Nat’l Convention

5. Platform Comm. 1972 Republican Nat’l Convention

6. Dem. Campaign- September 1972

7. 1972 Pre-Convention Planning- Republican

8. Politics Republican 1972

9. Republican Nat’l Convention 1972

10. 1972 Pre-Convention Planning Dem.

11. The Primaries 1972 II

12. The Primaries 1972 I

Box 9


1. Dem. Candidates 1972 McGovern

2. 1972 Republican National Convention

3. Republican Campaign November 1972

4. Republican Campaign October 1972

5. Republican Campaign September 1972

6. Republican-Post Convention 1972

7. 1972 Republican National Convention

8. Dem. Candidates 1972-Humphrey

9. Rules Committee 1972 Dem. National

10. Committee on Perm. Org 1972 Dem. Nat’l

11. Platform Committee 1972 Dem. Nat’l

12. Credentials Committee 1972 Dem. National
Convention Folder 12

13. Dem. Candidates 1972-others

14. Dem. Candidates 1972-Wallace

15. Dem. Candidates-Muskie

Box 10


1. Politics-Democratic-(The Kennedy’s) post 1963

2. Politics-Democratic-(The Kennedy’s) post 1963

3. Politics-Democratic 1973

4. Politics-Republican 1973

5. Politics-Democratic 1973

6. Democrats Biennial Convention-1974

7. 1974 Politics, Democrats

8. 1974 Politics, Republican

9. 1974 Politic, General

10. 1975 Politics Democrats

Box 11


1. Politics General 1975

2. Politics Republican 1975

3. Ford v. Carter Debates 1976

4. Politics General 1976

5. 1976 Post-Election Politics Democratic

6. Democratic National Convention 1976

7. Presidential Nominating Politics Non-Primary states

8. Politics-Democratic 1976

9. Politics-Republican 1976

10. Presidential Primaries- Republican 1976

Box 12


1. 1976 Post Election Politics Republican

2. Republican National Convention 1976

3. Politics General 1977

4. Politics Democratic 1977

5. Politics Republican 1977

6. Politics General 1978

7. Politics Democratic 1978

8. Politics Republican 1978

9. Politics General 1979

10. Politics Democratic 1979

11. Politics Republican 1979

12. Politics 1980 General

13. The 80s Presidential Campaign Dem. Jerry Brown

14. Politics 1980 Democrats National Convention

15. Politics 1980 Democrats Election Campaign

16. Carter Presidency

17. 1980 Campaign Democratic- Ted Kennedy

18. Politics 1980 Democrats Pre-Convention

19. 1980 Campaign Republicans and other candidates

20. The John Anderson Campaign of 1980

21. 1980 President Campaign Republican Howard Baker

22. 1980 Campaign Republican John Connally

Box 13


1. Politics 1980 Republicans Election Campaign

2. 1980 Campaign Republican Ronald Reagan

3. Politics 1980 Republicans National Convention

4. Politics Republican 1981

5. Politics General 1981

6. Politics Democratic 1981

7. Politics General – 1982

8. Politics Democrats 1982

9. Politics 1983

10. Republican Politics

11. Politics Democrat 1984

12. Politics republican 1984

13. Politics General 1985

14. Politics Democratic 1985

15. Politics Republican 1986

16. Politics Democrat 1986

17. Politics General 1980

18. Politics General 1988

19. Politics General 1989

20. Politics 1990

21. Politics National 1991

22. Politics Republican 1992

23. Politics Democratic 1992

24. Politics 1992 Perot Factor

25. 1992 Election Results

26. Politics Democratic 1993

27. Politics Republican 1993

28. Politics Republican 1994

29. Politics Democratic 1994

30. Politics General

31. Elections

32. Politics General 1995

Box 14


1. Politics Republican 1995

2. Politics Democrats 1995

3. Politics General 1996

4. Politics Democratic 1996

5. Politics Republican 1996

6. Politics General 1997

7. Politics Democratic 1997

8. Politics Republican 1997

Box 15


1. Congressional Records

2. Intelligence

3. Public Interest Interest’s

Box 16


1. Interest Groups

Box 17


1. Intergovernmental Relations(federal-state)

2. Intergovernmental Relations(federal-county)

3. Intergovernmental Relations(state-county)

4. Intergovernmental Relation(interstate)

5. Intergovernmental Relation(federal-city)

6. Intergovernmental Relation(city-state)

7. Intergovernmental Relation(county)

Box 18


1. Intergovernmental Relations(city-county)

2. Intergovernmental Relation(Intercity)

3. Intergovernmental Relation(Executive-Legislation)

4. Nixon request for 250 million

5. Tonkin Gulf Resolution

6. Executive Legislation

7. Execlleqis-ReWar Conduct

Box 19


1. Mansfield Amendment May 1971

2. Extensive of Selective Service June/July 1971

3. Executive-Legislative Relations (1971)

Box 20


1. 1967-1968 Subcommittee on Separation of pow’r

2. Presidential Participation in Congressional-(Eisenhower)

3. Presidential Participation in Congressional-(Kennedy)

4. Presidential Participation in Congressional-(Johnson)

5. Nixon’s Participation in 1970 Congressional

6. President Carter’s Participation in Off-year

7. Nixon Participation in 1974 Elections

8. President Ford’s Participation in the 1974 Election

9. Executive-Legislative Relations “The Legislative Veto”

10. Intergovernmental relations Executive-Legislation

Box 21


1. Intergovernmental Relations (Legislative-Judicial)

2. Administration

Box 22


1. Administration (Ethics)

2. Administration Advisory Committee

3. Administration Law Material

Box 23


1. Administrative Law

2. Administrative Law Impact Statements

3. Age and the Aging

4. Administrative Reorganization

5. The Amending Pow’r

Box 24


1. Anti-Trust

2. Anthropology

3. Archeology

4. “the Budget”

Box 25


1. Business Political Activities

2. Chaos Theory

3. The Communication System

Box 26


1. Social Analysis

2. Social Indicators

3. Social Analysis

4. Social Analysis Domestic

5. Social Analysis

Box 27


1. The Political System

2. Social Analysis II

3. Politics Ethics

4. Political Science

5. Women in Politics

Box 28


1. Sectionalism

2. Democratic Party

3. Race and Racism in 1990s

4. Gov’t Regulation and Deregulation

5. Religion the Church

6. Religion in America

7. Social Analysis

Box 29


1. Scientific Development

2. U.S. Property and Enterprise

3. Public Employment

4. National Priorities

5. Federal Pow’r Commission and private pow’r

Box 30


1. Polls: the 1964 Campaign

2. The Conservatives

3. Constitution

4. Corporations: Organized and Practice

5. Corporate Corruption

6. Corporate: Organized and Practices

Box 31


1. Corruption by public Officials

2. Economic Analysis

3. Education

Box 32

1. Extremist and the Oklahoma City Bombing 4.19.95

2. Election Administration

3. Employment and Unemployment

4. Government Expenditures (federal

5. Government Expenditures( state)

6. Government Expenditures(local)

Box 33


1. The Federal System

2. Federal Reserve System

3. Public Finance

4. Health “Health Care”

Box 34


1. Foreign Aid

2. Indians

Box 35


1. Political Analysis

2. Political Analysis

3. Manpower

4. Manpower II

5. Political Libel Correspondence

6. Political Libel

Box 36


1. Libel

2. Leisure

3. Leadership

4. Intra National Law

5. Intra Governmental Relations Execu-Judical

6. Pres-Congress-Judiciary

Box 37


1. History of Political Parties(dems)

2. History of Political Parties(GOP)

3. Political Parties III

4. Political Parties II

5. Political Parties I

6. Political Mortality

7. Third Parties

8. Political Analysis

9. Political Party Manpower

Box 38


1. The Federal Judiciary

Box 39


1. Department of Justice

2. Labor in Politics

3. Political Analysis: System Analysis

Box 40


1. Judicial Administration

2. Jazz

Box 41


1. Political Democrats 1971

2. Presidential Maneuvering

3. Politics Democrat 1972

4. 91st Congress Second Session 1970

5. 92nd Congress 1st Session 19721

6. 92nd Congress 2nd Session (1972)

7. 93rd Congress 1st Session (1973)

8. 93rd Congress 2nd Session ( 1974)

9. 94th Congress 1st Session (1975)

10. 94th Congress 2nd Session(1976)

11. 95th Congress 1st Session( 1977)

12. 95th Congress 2nd Sessions(1978)

13. Democratic Convention 1972

Box 42


1. Humphrey II

2. Democratic Campaign, 1968

3. Democratic Campaign, 1968

4. Politics Democratic 1969

5. Democratic Campaign, 1968

6. Politics Democratic, 1970

Box 43


1. Politics Democratic 1968

2. Democratic National Convention

3. 1968 Democratic Convention Platform

4. 1968 Democratic Convention Credentials

5. 1968 Democratic Convention Rules

6. 1968 Democratic Convention Proceeding

7. Democratic Convention 1968 1st Day August

8. Democratic Convention 1968 2nd Day August

9. Democratic Convention 1968 3rd Day August

10. Democratic Convention 1968 4th Day August

11. Democrats 1968 Post Convention

12. Eugene McCarthy 1967-68

13. McCarthy II

14. Politics Democratic McCarthy III

Box 44


1. Politics Democratic McCarthy INTERVIEWER :

2. H. H. Humphrey

3. 91st Congress 1st Session 1969

4. Congress 90th Congress, 2nd Session

5. 1967 90th Congress 1st Session

6. 89th Congress 2nd Session

Box 45


1. Lobbying Congress

2. 105th Congress 2nd Session 1998

3. 1997 105th Congress 1st Session

4. 104th Congress 2nd Session 1996

5. 104th Congress 1st Session 1995

6. 103rd Congress 2nd Session 1994

7. 103rd Congress 1st Session 1996

8. 102nd Congress 2nd Session 1992

Box 46


1. 102 Congress 1sr Session 1991

2. Congress 1989 101st Congress 1st Session

3. 100th Congress 1st Session 1987

4. 99th Congress

5. Congress 1984 98th Congress 2nd Session

6. 97th Congress 1st Session 1981

7. 96th Congressional 2nd Session 1980

8. 96 Congress 1st Session 1979

Box 47


1. Ad. Law 146 Introduction

2. Federal Register

3. Books Notices and review

4. Bibliography Social Analysis

5. Biblio. Urban Problems

6. Biblio. Parties/Politics

7. Gov’t Publications

8. Biblio. Legislature

9. Ad. Law P.S. 146

10. Ad. Law P.S. 146

11. P.S. 146 Ad. Law-Davis

Box 48


1. Ad. Law P.S. 146 Davis

2. Ad. Law 146 Davis Judicial Review

3. Ad. Law 146 Davis, Standing and Ripeness

4. Administrative Law Iowa

5. Ad. Law. 146 Administrative Process

6. Ad. Law 146 Delegation

Box 49


1. Adm. Law P.S. 146 Davis: Sovereignty Immunity.

2. Administrative Law

3. Admin. Law II 2

4. PS Ad. Law II 3

5. Admin. Law. II 4

6. PS 147 Admin. Law II 5

7. Admin. Law II 7

8. Ad. Law

9. PS 147 Ad. Law II 8

10. PS 147 Admin. Law II 9

11. Liberal PACs

Box 50


1. Admin. Law. PS 146 Fair and Formal Procedure

2. ” ” ” Opportunity to be heard

3. ” ” ” Discretion and it control

4. ” ” ” Separation of Functions

Box 51


1. Lecture Notes Pol. Sci. 110 Parties

2. Bibliography Presidency

3. Pol. Sci. 130 Lecture Notes

4. Pol. Sci. 140 Gov’t Admin

5. Political Science 130 state and local gov’t

Box 52


1. Pol. Sci. 110 Lecture Notes

2. Pol. Sci. Lecture Notes

Box 53


1. Administrative Law

2. Bibliography Administrative Law

3. 103 Reviews

4. Pol. Sci. 220 American History

5. PS 152 Legislation and the Legislative

Box 54


1. Pol. Sci. 151 Presidents and the Presidency

Box 55


1. Pol. Sci, 152 Legislative

Box 56


1. Delaware

2. District of Colombia

Box 57


1. 22nd Institute, State, and Local Gov’t

2. 22nd Int., State, and Local Gov’t

3. 22nd Int., State, and Local Gov’t

4. 22nd Int., State and Local Gov’t

5. Lecture Notes: Pol. Sci. 73

Box 58


1. Technology Applied to Pol. Process

2. Soc. Security-welfare

3. Standards

Box 59


1. Students, youth, and the Woodstock

2. “Things” General

3. Violence(origins, kinds, effects, and character

4. Washington, D.C.

Box 60


1. Subsides

2. Students in Politics

3. Foreign Affairs

4. Congressional Records

Box 61


1. Hummingbird

2. Antiques ( information, guides..)

Box 62


1. 2 binders Washington Update

Box 63


1. Pol. Sci. 152 Spring

2. Pol. Sci. 72 Spring

3. Carbon Paper

Box 64


1. 1966 Speeches, articles, appearances, etc

2. Correspondence 1966

3. 1967 Speeches, articles, appearances, etc

4. Correspondences 1967

5. Correspondence 1968

6. Appearances, Articles, etc 1968

7. 1969 Articles, Speeches, etc 1969

8. Correspondence 1969

9. Mayors Advisory Committee

10. Correspondence 1970

11. Articles, Speech’s, Conferences, etc..



1. Articles, Conferences, speeches, etc

2. Correspondence 1970

3. Art. Conf., etc

4. Correspondence

5. Correspondence personal

6. Art. Conf., etc 1973

7. 1974 personal art. Convention,

8. 1974 Personal Correspondence

9. 1975 Personal Articles, review, etc

10. Personal Correspondence 1975

11. 1976 Article, review, etc

12. 1976 Personal Correspondence

13. Articles, Review, etc.

14. Personal Correspondence 1977

15. Ellios Kline

16. 1978 Articles, Review, Appearance, etc..

17. Personal Correspondence 1978

18. Personal Correspondence 1979

19. Article, activities, conference, etc..

Box 66


1. Articles, Conference, etc..

2. Personal Correspondence 1980

3. Article, Meeting, Review, Consultationship

4. Personal Correspondence 1981

5. Personal Correspondence 1982

6. Early Retirement @ Drake

7. Correspondence Personal 1983

8. Correspondence Personal 1984

9. Correspondence Personal 1985

10. Correspondence Personal 1987

11. Correspondence Personal 1988

12. Personal Correspondence 1989

Box 67


1. Personal Correspondence 1986

2. Personal Correspondence 1990

3. Correspondence Personal 1991

4. Personal Correspondence 1992

5. Personal Correspondence 1993

Box 68


1. Personal Correspondence 1994

2. Personal Correspondence 1995

3. Correspondence Personal 1996

4. Personal Correspondence 1997

Box 69


1. 1998 Personal Correspondence

2. 1999 Personal Correspondence

3. Personal Correspondence 2000

4. Personal Correspondence 2001

Box 70


1. Congress: The Inventory Power

2. Congress: The Inventory Power

3. Congress: Congressional Election

4. Congress: Members’ Relation

5. Congress: Official of,

6. Congress: Control of Members

7. Congress: Privileged and Immunities

8. Congressmen’s Staffs

9. Congress: Political Organization

Box 71


1. Party Organization/Leadership (House) [R]

2. Party Organization/Leadership (House) [D]

3. Party Organization/Leadership (Senate) [D]

4. Party Organization/Leadership (Senate) [R]

5. Informal Political Groups Democrat Study Group

6. Senate Judiciary Sub-Committee

Box 72


1. Congress: Informal Political Groups

2. Legislative Reorganization 1976.1977

3. Congress: The Regulatory Power

4. Legislative Reorganization Act 1974

Box 73


1. Legislative Reorganization Act, 1970

2. Legislative Reorganization Act, 1967

3. Congress: Reorganization

Box 74


1. Congress: Public Reporting

2. Reapportionment Congress 1971

3. Congressional Redistrict 1971

4. Reapportionment 1981-82

5. Reapportionment 1990-92

6. Congress: Members, Reports, to voters

Box 75


1. Congress: Representative Polls of Constituent

2. Maj. Leader Lyndon B. Johnson

3. Congress: The taxing Power

4. Congress: Tenure of Membership

5. Congress; Voting in Congress

6. 88th Congress Second Session

7. 89th Congress First Session

Box 76


1. Presidency * Nomination and Election

2. President Nixon election

3. President Nixon election II

4. Electoral College Amendment

5. Direct Election of the President

Box 77


1. Presidential powers

2. The Presidency

3. Presidency

4. The Presidency

5. The President as Commander-in-Chief

Box 78


1. Vice Presidency

2. Presidential Disability

3. Presidential transition

4. Presidential Transfers Johnson to Nixon

5. Political values

6. Presidential Transitions Ford to Carter

Box 79


1. Presidential Succession

2. Presidential Transition Carter to Regean

Box 80


1. Correspondence from Gerald

Box 81


1. Correspondence from George II

2. Correspondence from George III

Box 82


1. Correspondence from John

2. Correspondence from nieces and nephews

3. Correspondence occasionally letters from PW

4. Family and Personal photos

5. 1965 Speeches, Articles, etc

6. 1965 Personal Correspondence PGW

7. PGW 1964 Speeches, articles, etc..

Box 83


1. Personal Correspondence 1964

2. Personal Items 1964

3. Drake University Correspondence

4. Personal Correspondence 1963

5. PGW 1963 speech, article, etc..

6. Personal Correspondence 1962

Box 84


1. Personal Correspondence 1960

2. Personal Correspondence 1959

3. Personal Correspondence 1958

4. Correspondence Personal 1957

5. Personal Correspondence 1957

6. Correspondence Personal 1956

7. Correspondence Personal 1955 II

8. Personal Correspondence 1961

Box 85


1. Correspondence Personal 1955

2. Correspondence Persona 1955

3. Correspondence 1954

4. Correspondence 1953

5. Correspondence 1952

6. Correspondence 1951

7. Correspondence 1950

8. Correspondence 1949

9. Correspondence 1948

10. Correspondence 1946-47

11. Correspondence 1944-45

Box 86


1. Brown folder

2. Dem. Advisory Committee

3. Adm. Political Organization

4. Advisory Committee on Pol. Org.

5. Advisory Committee on Pol. Org.

6. 11-12/1956 Adv. Comm.

7. Advisory Committee Preparations

8. Advisory Committee on Pol. Org.

9. Advisory Comm. 4/20-21/56 Meeting

10. Advisory Comm. On Pol. Org.

Box 87


1. Advisory Comm. Recommendation

2. Nat’l Advisory Comm. Meeting

3. Action Taken Adv. Comm. Meeting

4. Advisory Comm. On political org.

5. Registration

6. National Comm. 1956-57

Box 88


1. 11/19/55 Adv. Comm. Meeting

2. Personal Assignments

3. Nat’l Comm. Meeting 11/17/55

4. Nat’l Comm. Organization

5. Nat’l Comm. Rules

6. Nat’l Comm. Finance

7. Conventional Planning

8. State organization

9. County organization

10. Prescient Organizations

11. Black Folder

Box 89


1. Trip Expenses

2. Trips, date, places, etc

3. Ohio Wesleyan Democratic Day

4. May 1956

5. March 1956

6. April 1956

7. February 1956

8. January 1956

9. December 1955

10. November 1955

11. October 23 Des Moines, Iowa

12. October 21 Omaha, Nebraska

13. October 19 Cheyenne, Wyoming

14. October 19 Torrington, Wyoming

15. October 15 Douglas, Wyoming

16. October 15-19 Casper, Wyoming

17. October 17 Minot, ND

18. October 1955

19. September 1955

20. Alaska Ketchikan

21. Alaska Juneau

22. Alaska Anchorage

23. Alaska Kodiak

24. Alaska Fairbanks

25. Alaska 7/7-20

26. August 1955

27. Knoxville, Knox County young dem.

28. 7355 Southbend Ahepa Convention

29. 7355 Michigan City, Indiana

30. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

( Dinners, Rally’s, and Fund-Raisers)

Box 90


1. Baltimore Dem. Organization

2. San Antonio 10 June 1955

3. Houston, Texas 18 June 1955

4. Corpus Christi, Texas 18 June 1955

5. Weslaco, Texas 17 June 1955

6. McAllen, Texas 17 June 1955

7. Waco, Texas 16 June 1955

8. Tyler, Texas 16 June 1955

9. Dallas, Texas 15 June 1955

10. Big Springs, Texas 15 June 1955

11. Lubbock, Texas June 14

12. Texas 1955 Trip

13. Portland, Oregon 11 June 1955

14. Rutland, Vermont 8 June 1955

15. Boston, Mass. 9 June 1955

16. Washington, D.C. 5 June 1955

17. June 1955

18. Norfolk, Virginia, May 28, 1955

19. Washington D.C. Young Democrats

20. Concord, North Carolina, May 21 1955

21. Fall church, Virginia, May 20 1955

22. May 19 1955 Washington D C

23. Cleveland, Ohio May 14 1955

24. Radio Station KGB-San Diego

25. Independence, Missouri May 8, 1955

26. Indianapolis, Indiana, May 7 1955

27. New London, Connecticut May 6 1955

28. Dem. Gov’s Conference

29. Harrisburg, Pa. May 3 1955 JJ Diner

30. May 1955 Schedule of Mr. Butler

31. Denver, Colo., Sat., April 30, 1955

32. Spokane, Washington April 29 1955

33. Pasco, Washington Luncheon

34. Kings County JJ diner

35. Ga. Dem. Exec. Comm.

36. Assoc. of County Comm’rs.

Box 91


1. Chicago, Il, Chicago Executive Club 4/22/55

2. Philadelphia, Pa., City J>J> Diner

3. April 1955 Scheduled Appearances

4. Ray Lynn Diner 4655

Box 92


1. Drake Uni.

2. LA Faculty Council Minutes

3. Pol. Sci. 194 Spring 1982

4. PSISI- Assignment Summer 1981

5. Political Science 147- Assignment

6. PSISI- Assignment Sheets

7. Pol. Sci./ Pub Adm. 146 Sample Test

8. Pol. Sci. 146 Research Subjects

9. Pol. Sci. 146 Assignment Syllabus

10. Pol. Sci. 146 Assignment Syllabus

11. A Citizen Basic Biblio

12. Research Instruction

13. Pol. Sci. 152 Research Assignment

14. Pol. Sci. 152 Sample questions

15. Pol. Sci. 152 Summer Nite

16. Pol. Sci. 152 Assignment Sheets

17. PS 152 Assignment Sheets

18. Pol. Sci. Sample Question

19. Pol. Sci. 151 Research Assignment spring 74

20. PS 151 Research Assignment Spring ’74

21. Political Science 151 Spring 1981 Exam I

22. Political Science 151 Exam II Spring 1981

23. Political Science 151 final Exam Spring 1981

Box 93


1. Political Science 110 Exam I Fall, 1981

2. Political Science 110 Exam II Fall 1981

3. Pol. Sci. 110 Final Exam Fall 1981

4. Pol-S/P-Adm 146 Exam II Fall 1981

5. Pol. Sci./PUB. Adm. 146 Final Exam Fall 1981

6. Pol. Sci. 146 Fall 1981 Mer. 236

7. Pol. Sci./Pub. Adm. 146 Exam I Spring 1980

8. Pol. Sci./PUB. Adm. 146 Final Exam Spring 1980

9. Political Science 152 Exam I Spring 1982

10. Political Science 152 Exam II Spring 1982

11. Political Science 152 Exam I Spring 1982

12. Political Science 152 Exam II Spring 1982

13. Pol. Sci. 152 Spring 1979/1982 Final Exam

14. Pol. Sci. 73 Exam I Spring 1982

15. Political Science 73 Exam II Spring 1982

Box 94


1. Political Science 73- Exam III Spring 1982

2. Political Science 73- Exam I Summer 1981

3. Political Science 73- Exam II spring 1981

4. Political Science 73- Exam III Spring 1981

5. Political Science 73- Final Exam Spring 1981

6. Political Science Test II

7. Research Note re- Party Function

8. Drake University Campus Directory 1979/80

Box 95


1. GAO reports

2. Senator Kefauver S. 1552 and The Legislative

3. Recruiting Legislators

4. Legislators-Federal

5. The Legislature

6. Congress: History

7. Congress: Supervision-Administration

Box 96


1. Congress: Committees Organization

2. Congress: Congress over foreign affairs

Box 97


1. Congress: Committee Activity

2. Congress: Committee Chairmen

3. Committee Staff

4. Committee Assignment Senate

5. Congress: Attendance of Members

6. Congress: Legislative Aids, I.e..

7. Congress: Corruption

Box 98


1. Congress: Control over Appropriation

2. Congressional Budget Control 1974

3. Congress: The Legislative Power

4. Congress: Delaying Tactics

5. Congress: Congressional Record

6. Congress: Legis.- Judicial

7. Congress: Legislative Procedure

Box 99


1. Congress: Legislative Executive Relations

2. Congress: The Cost of Congress

Box 100


1. Comm. On Building Grounds

2. Investment I

3. Retirement Center Comm.

4. New Building Program

5. Presbyterian Church

6. Louisiana Politics 1998

7. ” ” 1997

8. Gambling Casinos in La.

9. La Politics 1996

Box 101


1. Woodbridge Subdivisions

2. La Local Gov’t 93-84

3. LA politics 1986 Elections

4. La Politics 1990 David Duke

5. La and Local Politics 1992-93

6. Politics State and Local

7. La Politics 1994

8. La Politics 1995

9. Gift Cards

Box 102


1. Hallmark Gift cards and bag of rubber bands

Box 103


1. Campaign Expand Ind. 1952

2. Newspaper Clippings

3. LBJ Contacts 1960

4. ” ” “

5. LBJ Campaign May-July 1960

6. Indiana

7. Personal Gent’s

8. Personal Politics 1952-54

9. Political Activity 1952 Campaign

10. History of the Dem. Nat’l Comm.

11. Indiana uni.

12. Personal Data

Box 104


1. Political Inventory

3. “A Preface to 1956”

4. A preface to 1956 Drafts and Notes

Box 105


1. Strategy to Democrats

2. Toward a National Party System

3. Personal Research Notes

4. El Paso Co. Planning Comm.

5. acPo-DNC

6. Special Groups

7. ACPO 1960

8. ACPO- April 29-30, 1960 Washington DC

9. DNC Advisory Comm. Pol. Organization

Box 106


1. Agenda Material ACPO- 1961-79

2. Materials Rec’d

3. ACPO Meeting 6/59

4. 1960 Organization Material

5. ACPO Materials 11/59

Box 107


1. Mother

2. Dad

3. Colorado

4. Greenup County Public Library District

Box 108


1. Genealogical Information

2. Laurel Scenes copies

3. Willis Family Tree Records and History

4. Genealogical Information General

5. Ohio State Historical Society

Box 109


1. Insurance- Drake

2. Drake Medical Claims Forms

3. Globe

Box 110


1. Globe America, Family, AARP claims forms

2. St. Tammany Parish Hospital

3. Westpack Hospital

4. Medical claims forms

5. Misc. Medicare

6. Ochsner Clinic

7. 1979 Operation

8. Ochsner Clinic Accounts

9. Eye Surgery

10. Prostate Surgery

11. Cataract Surgery Left eye

Box 111


1. Stoke

2. Heart Stress Test

3. Tax Times 2000

4. Bills Paid 2001

Box 112


1. Appliances

2. Royal Sofari

3. Nat’l Rifle Assoc.

4. 1997 Ford Taurus

5. Credit Card Info.

6. AG Edwards Acc’t

7. Record of Stocks

8. Appliances II

9. Titles Car

Box 113


1. Investment 2001

2. Investment 1999

3. Investment 2000

4. Investment 1998

5. Investment 1997

6. AT&T Recontrstuion

7. Investment 1996

8. Investment 1995

9. Investment Record 1994

10. Investment Record 1993

11. Investment Record 1992

12. Investment 1991

Box 114


1. 1992 Investment

2. 1990 Investment

3. 1989 Investment

4. 1988 Investment

5. 1987 Investment

6. 1985/86 Investment

7. 1992 refinance

8. Roofing 208 Ravenwood Dr.

9. 208 refinance of 1986

Box 115


1. 208 Ravenwood-House Documents

2. Insurance Automobile

3. Insurance Personal Liability

4. List of Insurance policies

5. Insurance TIAA

6. Accident Policies

7. Insurance Household goods

8. Veterans GI

9. Retirement

10. Social Security

11. Social Security forms info.

Box 116


1. Utilities

2. Burial Contract

3. Will